Russian Economic Development Minister Maxim Reshetnikov has once again hammered home Moscow’s theory that the sanctions imposed by much of the international community in response to the Ukraine invasion are actually destabilizing the world economy.

Thus, Reshetnikov has pointed out that the prohibition of trade with Russia, the restrictions on financial transactions or the suspension of air and land communications, among other measures, are not fulfilling their true purpose.

“All this was aimed at undermining the Russian economy, but, in fact, it destabilizes the entire world economy,” explained the Russian official in the framework of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, according to the TASS news agency. .

According to Reshetnikov, as a result of these sanctions, prices are increasing worldwide, thus directly affecting the most disadvantaged sectors of the population and low-income economies.

“Russia remains a responsible participant in the world food and energy markets and intends to continue to fulfill its obligations under export contracts in good faith,” the Russian Ministry of Economic Development added.

Thus, in this context, the person in charge of the Russian economic portfolio has shown his total confidence that it is necessary to “abandon unjustified restrictions” in the commercial, financial and transport fields to favor the “successful development” of trade in the zone from Asia and the Pacific.