The President of the Association of the Chemical Industry, Markus Steilemann, urges companies to hurry up the gas and electricity price brake.
If the announced state aid should still help the companies, they would have to come quickly, Steilemann told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung”. “The situation is dramatic. Many entrepreneurs, especially in small and medium-sized businesses, have their backs to the wall,” he warned. Almost every day, companies reported to the association that their energy supply was not yet secured for the coming year. “There hasn’t been anything like this in our industry in the past few decades.”
A suitable bridging solution must be found for companies that are already having difficulties concluding a follow-up contract for gas or electricity. Otherwise there is a risk of “permanent damage to our healthy industrial structure,” said Steilemann. The federal government must also enforce the price brake against resistance in the EU Commission, he added.